
Hi my name is Anu and I quit my job as first employee at a Silicon Valley tech startup (stock options and all) and decided to move to India to start my own social venture- NextDrop.

Except that didn’t work out the way we thought it would.  So then I thought about moving back to the States.  I also thought about being a pastry chef in France.  (You think about a lot of things when life doesn’t work out the way you think it should, let me tell you).  But then I decided to keep on going on.

And then we got into Y Combinator.  It was a dream come true. And then we launched another company.  Also called NextDrop. (Yes, it’s quite confusing.  Such is life).

And then we realised that won’t work either so we had to shut that down too after a couple years. Yes, such is life as well. When it’s broke…you gotta put it down and move on.

And now I’m just doing the thing which is getting through the days and figuring it out as a I go with clearly no real plan. I work here now though. So I pay my bills and such. That’s a plus I think.

This blog started as a lot of random musings way back in the day.  Now, it’s still a lot of random musings.  I’m not really sure what it’s turning into.  But I’m learning/trying not to control too many things. Let good things keep on doing its thing.  Release the stuff that doesn’t help you in the process. This space is like my therapist/outlet/who the hell knows what else but overall I think it is trending positive (ish?)

Whatevs. It is what it is.



14 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Anu,

    I noticed you listed “Speaking fluent Hindi” as one of the things you want to do. Does that mean that you only speak English right now? I’ve been thinking about moving, or at least taking a trip, to India but I assumed I would have to learn the language first.


    1. Hey Kevin

      Yeah, I pretty much mostly just speak English. I took a year of Hindi in college and I know some Tamil (which is practically useless). That being said, its definitely a lot harder (and you definitely get ripped off a lot more), but people are super forgiving and you can totally get by with bits of different Indian languages, English, and lots of pointing. It’s a lot easier to learn a few key phrases beforehand, and then just learn the language as you go (I think). You should definitely ask other people their experiences, but I don’t think the language (at least in India) is a HUGE barrier. I hope that helps!


  2. Hey Anu
    I’m moving to India,Ive done exactly the same .
    QUIT well paying work in UK and now want to go back to India and want make it big.
    Just like everyone ๐Ÿ™‚
    Is there anything you would advise me ?
    It was impulsive decision and now as the days get closer , I’m getting nervous

    Google is the medium, how i got to you


    1. Hi There!

      Sorry for the late response, it’s been sort of hectic over here in India! Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a right answer, and it will be different for everyone, but what I can say is that I think it’s been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I don’t regret it one bit. But I think the better answer is to try and listen to your gut, and just go with that. I suppose the hard part is trying to separate nerves from your gut instincts, but I think that’s the holy grail of life, isn’t it?

      Good luck and if there’s anything I can do please let me know!


      1. As you can see Iโ€™m getting to this very very late. I think youโ€™re asking me how my move went a long long time ago? It was good! Moved so good Iโ€™m still here ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Dear Anu, your return to India is good – for both you as an Indian and for India.

    Brain Drain had sucked out lot of good that was in India and led all those people to foreign countries.

    Now, we have reverse brain drain – and people like you, i.e. Anu epitomise that.

    Our nation, India wants become a superpower – but the fact is, India is a regional superpower whose sphere of influence is South East Asia/Indian sub-continent.

    For India to become a superpower, for the lives of Indians to improve for good, we need entrepreneurship, which along with Government will lead to creation of new jobs, new opportunities, new technologies and more money in the hands of Indians – right from the citizens, to the entrepreneurs of India till the last point, i.e. the Government in the form of tax and all this will lead a to a better, stronger and even more enlightened India.

    Any given day, it is better to be own’s own boss – work the way one wants to. I like your blog’s theme with its mix of white and light green. I must appreciate you for the area that your company NextDrop has entered into – i.e. water. Water, along with Land and Natural Resources are and will continue to remain in the future – the major sources of conflict.




  4. Hi! I find your blog super epic and informative. I feel it in my gut and it seems so right: I want to move to Cochin as a teacher for young adults. I am a teacher at the moment with an M.A. I’m also a trained graphic, designer and illustrator. Do you have any advice? How should I look for jobs (i.e. should I secure one first before I move) ? How does one meet people, find a flat? Thanks!


    1. Hi Caroline- thanks for the kind words! If you send me your email address, I can put you in touch with a few people I know there! I don’t know if I can give any advice other than, sometimes, you just have to follow your gut and hope it works out for the best ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I lucked out there!


  5. hello! Anu ,

    we at NPR washington , in there New Delhi Bureau are trying to reach you to do a Radio story on Next Drop. Is it possible for you to send us your contact details so that we can do that . Thanks looking forward to hear from you
    Tripta Narang (Producer)


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